- 下面示例中的
- DrawSector(moviec,200,200,100,S_angle,270,0xffcc00);
- 函数就是画扇形的函数,
- moviec是扇形所在影片剪辑的名字
- 第2,3个参数是扇形原点的横纵坐标
- 第4个参数是扇形的半径
- 第5个参数S_angle是扇形的角度
- 第6个参数是扇形的起始角度
- 第7个参数0xffcc00是扇形的颜色
- /*
- *Create by Geordi 14th Feb 2008
- *function DrawSector is drawing a sector in the flash by
- actionscript 3
- */
- import flash.display.MovieClip;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- var stag:Sprite=new Sprite();
- addChild(stag);
- var moviec:MovieClip=new MovieClip;
- stag.addChild(moviec);
- var S_angle:int=60;
- /* S_angle is expressed as a number between 0 and 360 degrees. it
- will draw a 60
- * degree sector in this example, but you could change it to what
- ever you want
- */
- DrawSector(moviec,200,200,100,S_angle,270,0xffcc00);
- /*
- * mc the movieclip: the container of the sector.
- * x,y the center position of the sector
- * r the radius of the sector
- * angle the angle of the sector
- * startFrom the start degree counting point : 270 top, 180 left, 0
- right, 90 bottom ,
- * it is counting from top in this example.
- * color the fil lin color of the sector
- */
- function
- DrawSector(mc:MovieClip,x:Number=200,y:Number=200,r:Number=100,angle
- :Number=27,startFrom:Number=270,color:Number=0xff0000):void {
- //remove this line to unfill the sector
- /* the border of the secetor with color 0xff0000 (red) , you
- could replace it with any color
- * you want like 0x00ff00(green) or 0x0000ff (blue).
- */
- angle=(Math.abs(angle)>360)?360:angle;
- var n:Number=Math.ceil(Math.abs(angle)/45);
- var angleA:Number=angle/n;
- angleA=angleA*Math.PI/180;
- startFrom=startFrom*Math.PI/180;
- for (var i=1; i<=n; i++) {
- startFrom+=angleA;
- var angleMid=startFrom-angleA/2;
- var bx=x+r/Math.cos(angleA/2)*Math.cos(angleMid);
- var by=y+r/Math.cos(angleA/2)*Math.sin(angleMid);
- var cx=x+r*Math.cos(startFrom);
- var cy=y+r*Math.sin(startFrom);
- }
- if (angle!=360) {
- }
-;// if you want a sector without filling
- color , please remove this line.
- }