package { /** * ... * @author harriet */ public class FormatValue { public function FormatValue() { } public static function format( i:Number, numDecimals:Number=0, isFixedNumDecimalsForced:Boolean=false, isDecimalSeparatorComma:Boolean=false, isThousandSeparatorDisabled:Boolean=false ) : String { if ( isNaN (numDecimals )) { numDecimals = 4; } if (isDecimalSeparatorComma) { var commaChar:String = '.'; var decimalChar:String = ','; } else { commaChar = ','; decimalChar = '.'; } if (isThousandSeparatorDisabled){ commaChar = ''; } // round the number down to the number of // decimals we want ( fixes the -1.11022302462516e-16 bug) i = Math.round(i*Math.pow(10,numDecimals))/Math.pow(10,numDecimals); var s:String = ''; var num:Array; if( i<0 ) num = String(-i).split('.'); else num = String(i).split('.'); //trace ("a: " + num[0] + ":" + num[1]); var x:String = num[0]; var pos:Number=0; var c:Number=0; for(c=x.length-1;c>-1;c--) { if( pos%3==0 &&s.length>0 ) { s=commaChar+s; pos=0; } pos++; s=x.substr(c,1)+s; } if( num[1] != undefined ) { if (isFixedNumDecimalsForced){ num[1] += "0000000000000000"; } s += decimalChar+ num[1].substr(0,numDecimals); } else { if (isFixedNumDecimalsForced && numDecimals>0){ num[1] = "0000000000000000"; s += decimalChar+ num[1].substr(0,numDecimals); } } if( i<0 ) s = '-'+s; return s; } } }
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